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Paddle Monster coach, Larry Cain
Jul 25, 2019
It’s not too late to train for Chattajack
We’re within100 days until Chattajack. It seems like a long time away on one hand yet on the other it seems rather close, especially...

Paddle Monster coach, Larry Cain
Jun 24, 2018
18 weeks till Chattajack!
So here it is late June already, which means it’s only 18 weeks till Chattajack! Those that have done the race before know that doing 31...

Paddle Monster coach, Larry Cain
Oct 11, 2017
Chattajack Race Strategy Part 6: Four tips for training that will help make this race strategy possi
Of course being able to execute a strategy like this over a 5-8 hour race is easier said than done. We all know that completing a race...

Paddle Monster coach, Larry Cain
Oct 3, 2017
Chattajack Race Strategy Part 5: Planning the finish when you are in a Draft Train
At some point the draft train is going to break apart and it’s going to become every paddler for his or herself. In 2015 at Chattajack...

Paddle Monster coach, Larry Cain
Sep 13, 2017
Chattajack Race Strategy Part 4: Tips for Drafting
While the purpose of this post isn’t to discuss how to actually draft, here are some tips for making the most of your draft train that...

Paddle Monster coach, Larry Cain
Sep 8, 2017
Chattajack Race Strategy Part 3: How to Form a Draft Train
I like to think of draft trains as either being cooperative or competitive. Cooperative trains are made up of paddlers that recognize...

Paddle Monster coach, Larry Cain
Aug 30, 2017
Chattajack Race Strategy Part 2: Pacing your first 10 minutes
Determining how hard to go in the first 10 minutes takes practice as I’ve mentioned. If you were to start doing weekly 2 km time...

Paddle Monster coach, Larry Cain
Aug 23, 2017
Chattajack Race Strategy Part 1: Strategy Overview and Finding Your Draft Train
Chattajack Race Strategy Having just recently completed the 40 km SEA Paddle race around Manhattan and with Chattajack only 10 weeks...

Paddle Monster coach, Larry Cain
Jul 20, 2017
100 Days Left to Train for Chattajack
Thursday, July 20th (TODAY!) marks 100 days until Chattajack. It seems like a long time on one hand yet on the other it seems rather...

Paddle Monster coach, Larry Cain
Jun 28, 2017
What Type of Training Should I do to Prepare for Chattajack?
Obviously if you’ve made the commitment to do a long race like Chattajack this year, you know you’re in for a lot of paddling. The race...

Paddle Monster coach, Larry Cain
Jun 13, 2017
Tips for Training Legs for Chattajack
Last weekend I went for a fun SUP paddle with a couple of buddies of mine from my canoe days. Conditions on Lake Ontario were pretty...

Paddle Monster coach, Larry Cain
May 30, 2017
Make Sure to Train Strength
One of the most important things you can do in paddle sports is train strength. While this is especially true in sprint racing, it is no...

Paddle Monster coach, Larry Cain
May 10, 2017
Polarize Your Training
As I explained in my last post, If you’re going to get maximal benefit out of the time you spend training and perform at a high level at...

Paddle Monster coach, Larry Cain
May 2, 2017
Periodize Your Training
If you’re competing seriously in any sport you should be following a training program of some sort. And if that program is going to lead...

Paddle Monster coach, Larry Cain
Apr 21, 2017
Love the Conditions
Earlier this year I put this post up on Paddle Monster for our All-Access members. I think it is worth reusing here for those preparing...

Paddle Monster coach, Larry Cain
Mar 29, 2017
Follow a Training Program and Stick to it
One of the most important ingredients to a successful season is a well-planned training program. You can do all the work imaginable, but...

Paddle Monster coach, Larry Cain
Mar 13, 2017
The Importance of a Training Partner or Training Group
I’ve traveled around a fair bit for paddling and wherever I go I’m always stoked when I find a group that does a lot of their on water...

Paddle Monster coach, Larry Cain
Feb 27, 2017
The Key to Completing Chattajack – Commitment and Consistency
Welcome to the first installment of Paddle Monster's Chattajack blog take over! Every 2 week Paddle Monster head coach Larry Cain will be...
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