Course Map
Each racer will receive a laminated copy of this map at Check In, to adhere to your board/boat if you wish.
This map IS meant to: give you an idea of the shape of the river, help you predict changes in wind direction, help you to know what is coming next, add to your nervousness, and get you ALL FIRED UP!!
It IS NOT intended to be exact, or used in place of a GPS device. You are responsible for knowing where you are on the course (and how much time has elapsed). There are no mile markers on the course.
Aid stations will provide racers with water and Huma gels. The following stations will be available:
Mile 16 - Boat Aid Station
Mile 22 - Long protruding dock with Chattajack banners & volunteers on River Right
Mile 27 - Boat Aid Station
Suck Creek Boat Ramp - at Mile 10, within 2 hours and 30 minutes
Sullivan’s Boat Ramp - at approx. Mile 23, within 6 hours of the start time.
Overall Course Cut-off - 8 hours and 30 minutes to complete the course.
To read about staging for the Chattajack START click here.
Finish Line
The Chattajack course ends at Hales Bar Marina. When you see the large building on the left side of the river, paddle past it, turn 90 degrees to your left and look for the orange buoy near the dock and spectators. Turn to the right at that buoy and paddle 300 yards to the end of the dock where the timekeeper tent and official finish line buoy is. There will be volunteers on the water to help direct you.
The timekeeper may ask you to confirm your bib#, division and name, please assist upon request.
OC-6 TEAMS - Please see more details for your finish line experience HERE.