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Thank you 2020 Virtual CJ athletes

Greetings Chattajack friends and family,

Writing to extend a big THANK YOU to everyone again who participated in the 2020 virtual Chattajack. With your participation we were able to raise $4,455 to contribute to the efforts of the Tennessee River Gorge Trust, the team that protects and serves the interests of the river gorge we are fortunate to gather and race through each October. Over 600 packages have been packaged and mailed USPS thus far to the 2020 participants. Final domestic orders are in route presently via USPS with remaining ones to go out shortly. International racer packages have been prepared with customs slips being finalized for each one now. These will go out via USPS this week. Thank you for everyone’s patience. Through the years, Chattajack has prided itself on personal touch, connectivity, and community. With that we are sad we couldn’t include a personal handwritten note to each of you in your package. Countless names brought back memories and a big smile to our face while going through the packaging process. Media and photos shared with us are being compiled and organized to share with our video production partner who will undoubtedly create another fun sonic tour of the many unique endeavors this year’s participants embarked upon. One last note pertaining to Dragging Canoe, the historic figure represented on this year’s athletic jersey. At present, a tribute in Chattanooga serving solely to commemorate and honor the legacy of Dragging Canoe does not exist. The idea has been discussed and hoped for but nothing presently exists (we will update the CJ community as these efforts manifest). From us at Chattajack, it has and will remain for years to come, the greatest honor to have celebrated, help educate, and preserve the legacy of a larger than life Cherokee chief who established a home in the river gorge during his final life season and eventual passing in 1792. We hope you’ll remember his life story, his beliefs, and the chapter his life played in the historical timeline of the Cherokee Nation and Tennessee/Tanasi River Gorge. Knowledge of his legacy has enriched our own personal gorge experiences and we hope it will your future visits too.


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