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2021 Finishers Medal

Since Chattajack's inception in 2012 the race has been a union of minds amongst friends and family. This lends itself to all aspects of the race; be it sponsors/partners, rules, basecamp layout, the amazing CJ volunteer team, racer safety, and especially all creative aspects of the event. We've been fortunate to work with some amazing talent over the course of 10 years be them CJ racers themselves (Mike Womack) as well as many local artists (Travis Knight, Brent Sanders Studios, Carolyn Insler).

This year's graphic was created by our dear friend Peter Shimpeno, a paddler (SUP & now the prone brigade!), a Southern Stoke Series regular, and CJ volunteer who has invested sweat equity numerous times helping ensure the CJ race experience is first class. Pete, we simply cannot thank you enough. Please join us with a big thank you and shout out to Pete for his 2021 Chattajack creation!


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