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Interview with Surf Ski Queen Katalin Dismukes

Kata has been dominating the Chattajack women’s surfski division since she first participated in 2013. Check out her interview and hopefully pick-up a tip or two.

What was life like for you 10 years ago?

I was chasing a 5 and 2.5 years old around the house while managing my home/internet business. I just purchased a K1 and was mentally ready to get back in the boat after giving up paddling for 10 years break.

Tell us about your day job

Fortunate enough to be making money still with my home/internet business and that allows me to make my own schedule. This schedule gives me the freedom to spend time with my kids, husband and paddle when ever I want to.

When was your first surf ski race and what was it like?

2013, Outdoors Inc race in Memphis. I was so scarred. Not necessarily because I didn’t think I can do it but because the surf ski was a loan from Epic by Eric Mims and the thought of anything happening to the boat was making my stomach turn. The race it self was awesome and I knew I was ready to be paddling and racing again.

It is race day – what do you do to get ready?

I put all my gear together the night before. Everything is lined up perfectly. Don’t like last minute surprises. I wish I could say getting a good sleep is on the list, unfortunately I can not sleep in hotels. Every race except one I’ve done on very little or no sleep. Not recommended!

Do you eat anything particular before a race?

Well to be honest I eat as little as possible so I can limit my portapotty trip to 5 prior to race.

What are 3 things important to you in order to go into a race with confidence?

I struggle with thyroid disease so I have to have my levels under control in order to feel good overall and do well in a race

Be hydrated

Try to get as much sleep as possible prior to since I won’t be sleeping any in the hotel

What’s your most embarrassing race moment?

I signed up for the OICK race in Memphis in my K1. The Mississippi River was above flood stage. It looked angry, full of logs and a lot of whirlpool current. My entire family came down to cheer me on since this was my first race after 10 years or so. I took one look at the river and bailed. Never made it to the start line. I was fear shamed by my husband for a while after that. I never quit another race.

At what moment did you know you were totally hooked on surf ski?

Tybee Island race 2014. Until that point I only paddled on lakes and rivers. I decided it was time to do an ocean race and use the surf ski the right way. The waves were not overly big but just big enough to catch them. One particular wave came over me. In my K1 I would have sank. I was covered in salt water and it was FUN! Surf ski allows me to have fun while the speed is still there.

What’s the first thing you do after you cross the finish line?

I’m thinking: Thank God it’s done and I’m still alive! Then I look around see if there are any other competitors to congratulate them. Then I go and try to find my family and make sure they didn’t leave me behind.

What are 2 things you’d like to improve upon this season?

Since the season is almost over I would be very happy if I could beat Richard Carter and Eric Mims.( which will never happen) Faster time with each race is nice!

If you could have custom graphics done on your surf ski without any limits what would you like?!

I’m a proud Hungarian and I would love my entire boat to be covered in red, white and green ( our flag). I could simplify my choice very easily for the new Epic GT surf ski in black and white. Hahaha

Where’s your favorite place to paddle?

I did enjoy our paddle in the Gulf over the summer.

What’s the one piece of paddle gear you can’t live without?

A good supporting sport bra that doesn’t rub my skin raw.

What do you do when you’re not paddling or working?

Chauffeuring my kids to and from school. Try to spend some quality time with them. Go for a run with my lab Sookie.

If you could be a rock star who would you be?

Not my lifestyle

If you could be any animal which one would you choose to be?

Maco Shark

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